When leveraging employees outside their normal function, there is an implied “quid pro quo.” Leadership requires you to create and communicate the appropriate WIFM to ensure commitment and follow-through.
Tag Archives: Leadership
The video is magnificent.
It’s quite special to work for an organization that commits itself not only to it’s customers, but more importantly, it’s employees.
Oldcastle is one of those companies. They are dedicated to finding and sharing stories of hope, service and goodwill throughout the organization.
As leaders, it’s important to Serve, Inspire and Recognize. I am proud of our organization. Prouder of our leaders. Proudest of our people!
Congratulations Russ Salmon! You deserve it! The video is magnificent. Best Quote Below…
“…people…don’t realize how much power they have to change and to make things better.” http://t.co/CqqXA8ynPG
— Vinnie DiSalvo (@vinniedisalvo) February 6, 2015
Your Company’s Dirty Little Secret
Interesting article Bill, great points with some sound advice for leaders at all levels. From the article:
1. Start small. Within your sphere of influence. Within your team.
Every day, make sure you’re asking your team three questions:
• “What’s holding you back from getting more done?”
• “What bottlenecks or barriers can I remove for you?”
• “What resources, tools or processes would help you move as fast as you want to?”
The full article:
Bill Jensen’s Article
Engage a Mentor with a Short-Term Project – Karie Willyerd – Harvard Business Review.
Engage a Mentor with a Short-Term Project – Karie Willyerd – Harvard Business Review.
Great Article by Karie. She’s 100% right. Today’s leaders are pulled ever thinner and simply can not commit to long, deep relationship building with more than one or two “protégés.”
By creating short term stretch assignments for key talent, you can maximize not only the leaders time, but also the return on the interaction.
Whole Foods Employees Have Open Salaries – Business Insider
Very interesting article. Most organizations are still holding on for dear life to the old command and control model. What they fail to recognize is that the old model is being replaced by openness, transparency and empowerment.
Whole Foods Employees Have Open Salaries – Business Insider.
What People Look for in Great Leaders
In Marilyn Hewson’s article, she Quote’s a Gallup poll which showed the four main attributes people look for in a leader are: stability, trust, compassion and hope.
While we could spend hours discussing each of these, Marilyn does a wonderful job delivering the point.
I do want to add my two cents on hope or what she also refers to as “…a vision that motivates.” Often times business leaders think they are “running the company”. How many times have you heard “I don’t have time for ‘that’, I have a business to run”?
We sometimes forget that our job is to “lead” not “run”.
Check this out Marilyn’s article below, quick but insightful read.
What People Look for in Great Leaders