Monthly Archives: April 2014

Your Company’s Dirty Little Secret

Interesting article Bill, great points with some sound advice for leaders at all levels. From the article:

1. Start small. Within your sphere of influence. Within your team.
Every day, make sure you’re asking your team three questions:
• “What’s holding you back from getting more done?”
• “What bottlenecks or barriers can I remove for you?”
• “What resources, tools or processes would help you move as fast as you want to?”

The full article:
Bill Jensen’s Article

Engage a Mentor with a Short-Term Project – Karie Willyerd – Harvard Business Review.

Engage a Mentor with a Short-Term Project – Karie Willyerd – Harvard Business Review.

Great Article by Karie. She’s 100% right. Today’s leaders are pulled ever thinner and simply can not commit to long, deep relationship building with more than one or two “protégés.”

By creating short term stretch assignments for key talent, you can maximize not only the leaders time, but also the return on the interaction.

Companies & Social Media – How to deal with negativity

A few years ago I read an article online regarding organizations and social media. The crux of the article dealt with organizations being paralyzed to jump head first into social media. At the time of the article, the inability for organizations to moderate and control how people responded to their messages and what was posted, stifled their desire to act. The article urged companies to relinquish their control issues and join the new world in creative commentary of their own.

The below video is a perfect example how Honey Maid embraced this challenge and made proverbial “lemonade from lemons”. Good on you Honey Maid – this should be an inspiration to all companies.

Honey Maid: Love – YouTube.